Friends of Padre Beach Report 7/13/2017
By Tyler Thorsen
Tyler Thorsen and I did a scouting trip for FOP on Thurs., 13 July. Due to busy schedules and admittedly to the fact that the fishing was good we were only able to go to the 32 mile beach.
Water was green but not really clear north of the Big Shell and both old and some new sargassum was observed down into the northern half of the Big Shell. South of there no grass was observed and the water was quite clear.
Driving was very good except for a couple of soft areas down around the 24-26 mile areas and even these were drivable in 2 wheel drive.
Little bird activity was observed and bait was very scattered. Speckled trout were the fish of the day but then again that was all we fished for.
Beach traffic was moderately lite but unfortunately a lot of it continues to be traveling far too fast. The turtle patrol seemed to be breaking camp and taking out supplies. It’s the time of year for this. Overall bird numbers were still on the low side but an increase in migrants from the north was obvious. Black Tern numbers were up significantly and large groups of Sanderlings were noted. Bird species observed included 1 White-tailed Hawk, 1 Turkey Vulture, 3 Cattle Egrets, 3 Black Skimmers, 1 Little Blue Heron, Brown Pelicans, Least, Black, Sandwich, Foresters, Royal and Caspian Terns, Laughing Gulls, Ruddy Turnstones, 11 Long –billed Curlew, 5 Marbled Godwits, and Wilsons and Black-bellied Plover. There are quite a few vacationing families enjoying the beach and small children are present in good numbers as well so keep your eyes open and your foot off the gas.
If we don’t leave any there won’t be any.
Billy Sandifer