FoP Beach Report 3/19/2015

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arrowheads 3-2015 086 dead dolphin  mansfield north jetty nicaragua March 19, 2015 Padre Island National Seashore Friends of Padre report   Water temperature: 65 degrees F (Bob Hall Pier) Air temp @ 0800: 64 degrees F Fluctuated between 64 and 70 degrees F throughout the day. Heavy fog on the beach Patchy, dense fog throughout the day Moments of sun, coupled with hours of overcast and fog Light, variable winds switching to SE at 10 mph Water gets better all the way to the jetty. Sandy green to clear and green, moving South. Driving on low tide: 10/10 Driving on hide tide: 7/10, Middle road 2wd with some 4HI in the high banks   2 coyotes on the water line at the 7 Dead dolphin at the 42 Large trees in the water and IN THE ROAD from the 15 to the 50 A couple sandbar sharks reported from Mansfield Jetty as well as sheepshead Most camps within the first 5 miles Few camps south   Bird notes: Laughing Gull Herring Gull Sanderling Black Bellied Plover Ruddy Turnstone (7) Willet (100’s) Royal Tern Grackle Ring Billed Gull Great Blue Heron (12) Brown Pelican Caspian Tern Cormorant Forster’s Tern Semipalmated Plover (6) Cattle Egret Snowy Egret Reddish Egret Tricolored Heron (2) White Ibis (flocks of 15-30 flying over 1st bar, 100’s) Long Billed Curlew (21) Black Tern (1) Barn Swallow (Scattered throughout the day, headed North) Horned Lark (19) Northern Harrier Sandwich Tern Wilson’s Plover (4) Peregrine Falcon (2) Crested Caracara (1) Black necked Stilt (1) American Avocet (1) Turkey Vulture (2) Franklin’s Gull (4) Least Tern (2)    


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