18th Annual Big Shell Beach Cleanup
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The 18th. Annual Big Shell Beach Cleanup will be held on Saturday, 23 February, 2013. The event will commence at 07:00 a.m. and volunteers will be back at the Malaquite Pavilion by 2 p.m. 4 wheel drive vehicles and operators, trailers for hauling trash and walking volunteers are all needed and welcomed. Walking volunteers will be afforded transport to and from the work area. Water, sodas and drinks will be available in the work area and at Malaquite after the event but if you feel like you might want something more feel free to bring it. We changed the date of the event this year as there is a potential change of speed limits on the beach from 25 mph to 15 mph on 1 March and at 15 miles per hour it would take most of our work day to simply travel into and out of the work area. In addition; over the years we consistently receive requests from volunteers to not hold the event during Spring Break. So, this date change will alleviate that inconvience as well. Interestingly enough upon checking back for the past 6 years in my daily log books I found that typically the weather and tides are better in late February than in March. We have had some tough weather days on our March date cleanups so maybe this will be more user friendly.
The event will start at 07:00 a.m. but it would really help if people could arrive a bit early as things are awfully hectic and confusing getting everyone lined out in the dark. It Levitra is requested that all section leaders and those who are going to help in the parking lot get there by 06:15 a.m. A map will be made available explaining how things will take place in the parking lot prior to the event. Updates and the map will be available on Friends of Padre, Inc.’s web site, Tyler Thorsen’s message board at corpusfishing.com and on Friends of Padre’s web site at www.friendsofpadre.com . It was decided BY OTHERS years ago to call this the Capt. Billy Sandifer Big Shell Cleanup but to me it isn’t; it is OUR Big Shell Beach Cleanup; not Billy Sandifer’s. This is a grass roots event made up of volunteers who care about the condition of this wondrous national treasure and are willing to spend 1 day a year being good caretakers of it. It’s hard work but it’s a “feel good” experience you’ll never forget filled with wonderful, selfless companions and laughter.
This event has never rescheduled regardless of conditions so it is very advisable to bring slicker suits and warm clothing. It is advised that vehicle operators carry fix-a-flat, tire plugs and a small air compressor in case of flat tires. It is also advised that volunteers wear sturdy shoes to avoid fish spines. Be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the forecast weather. Event t-shirts and goody bags will be given to volunteers. Big Shell beach is a one of a kind place and this is a one of a kind event. You are cordially invited to join us.
Your Brother in the Sand. Capt. Billy L. Sandifer